The Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting course across all tracks has been reviewed and updated based on guidance and feedback from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of Military Family Readiness Policy’s Children, Youth, and Families (OMFRP’s) CYP Division, FAP, and Service leadership. This course has been revised to include the most up-to-date information and guidance on reporting suspected child abuse and neglect.
As a child and youth professional, you are a mandated reporter and have a legal and ethical responsibility to report all suspicions of abuse and neglect to appropriate authorities including Child Protective Services (CPS), the Family Advocacy Program (FAP), and law enforcement. To ensure that child and youth professionals are equipped with the most accurate information, reporting requirements have been revised across the VLS to reflect the most up-to-date information from the Department of Defense. Updated information can be found in the following courses:
- Infants & Toddlers, Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting
- Preschool, Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting
- School-Age, Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting
- Family Child Care, Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting
- Training & Curriculum Specialist, Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting
- Management, Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting
- Child Abuse Identification & Reporting for Support Staff