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Within the Training & Curriculum Specialist Healthy Environments course you will learn about:

  • How to help adults understand the importance of handwashing, as well as when and how to properly wash their own hands and support handwashing of the children in their care
  • How to promote sanitary restroom environments, as well as sanitary and developmentally appropriate practices with regards to toileting and diapering
  • How to help staff conduct daily health checks and handle exclusion and readmission when a child is ill
  • How to ensure that staff model healthy eating and activity patterns and that experiences and activities staff provide promote children's healthy eating and physical activity
  • How to help adults understand family protective factors and resilience to support children's and family members' mental health, as well as ways to support families and children with stressors such as deployment
  • How to ensure staff know how to help children with special needs, such as asthma or allergies, and the proper way to administer medication

Course Outline

Virtual Lab School Healthy Environments Training & Curriculum Specialist Course Guide
Staff Name