- Deepen your understanding of what matters most when it comes to ensuring that nutritional standards for children and youth nutrition and physical activity are followed.
- Encourage and model healthy habits in children.
- Support family style dining in your program, which should include portion control and desirable meal components. Incorporate strategies when snack is a choice in preschool or school-age programs.
- Ensure staff are properly trained and can appropriately implement bottle preparation and bottle-feeding practices.
Child development professionals are models for children and youth. They play a major role in helping children develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime. As a Program Manager, you can help staff foster healthy habits in themselves and in the children they care for. Understanding what to eat, how much to eat, and how to stay fit are important skills for all of us to learn.
This learning begins during infancy. It is critical that you ensure staff members know how to feed infants appropriately. This includes:
- Storage and serving guidelines for formula and breast milk
- Procedures for warming milk and preparing bottles
- Nurturing and responsive feeding routines that include holding infants for feeding, never propping a bottle, etc.
As children get older, it is important for staff to know how and when your program introduces solid foods. Support staff as they maintain communication with families around feeding. As children enter the toddler and preschool years, you can communicate with staff about family style dining, portion control, and healthy eating habits.
Infant Nutrition and Feeding
Providing infants with proper nutrition is essential to their development and learning. Regardless of whether that nutrition comes from breast milk or formula, what matters is that infants get the nutrients they need. Nutritional requirements for infants change over time, so it’s important your staff understand what is needed nutritionally at each stage of development.
Infant feedings should be done in nurturing and responsive ways (e.g., with a staff member holding an infant, while seated in a glider, and talking with the infant while feeding them a bottle individually). As a Program Manager, you play a critical role in helping staff engage in quality infant feeding practices. With help from trainers and coaches, make sure staff know what nurturing feeding routines look like and that they understand infant cues with regards to feeding (see Infants & Toddlers Healthy Environments, Lesson Five). Commend staff members when you see them engage in responsive feeding care. Lastly, by ensuring adequate staffing in infant rooms and comfortable spaces to sit and rock, you can help provide the tools and support staff need to engage in nurturing, one-on-one infant feedings.
Although breast milk provides the healthiest start for infants (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2012), group care is not always conducive to breastfeeding as working mothers may struggle to produce enough breastmilk to cover the hours that infants are in care. Supporting breastfeeding mothers is important for the health of infants and for promoting a family-friendly and family-centered practice as well. You can read more about the benefits of breastfeeding for infants and mothers here: https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/Breastfeeding/Pages/Benefits-of-Breastfeeding.aspx.
Supporting breastfeeding benefits your program in that it:
- Supports infant-parent attachment
- Assists maternal transition back to work
- Provides natural immunities helpful with group care
Breastfeeding Timelines
The length of time during which mothers breastfeed varies as it is a personal decision. Breastfeeding timelines may be driven by family expectations, cultural norms, or biological factors. Staff working with a breastfeeding family must be aware of any biases they may feel about breastfeeding. The decision of when to stop is up to the family, so it’s important for your staff to remain supportive and nonjudgmental regardless of a family’s breastfeeding choices.
This is also true for families who choose not to breastfeed. Their choice not to breastfeed should be honored and supported. Some parents may feel that they are doing a poor job if they are unable to successfully breastfeed. It is important for your staff to remain positive, respectful and supportive toward families and their decisions about breastfeeding.
Handling of Breastmilk and Formula
It is essential that staff are trained on the safe handling and storage of breast milk and formula. Staff must use a tracking system to ensure that breast milk or formula is not given after the expiration date or given to the wrong child.
You can support families who choose to breastfeed by making the process of labeling and storing human milk as easy for them as possible. For example, providing pre-printed labels where they only need to write the date expressed. You can read more about how to properly handle and store human milk by visiting: http://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/recommendations/handling_breastmilk.htm. You need to develop a system that supports staff and families, while fulfilling all the guidelines for safe handling and storage of human milk and formula.
When following proper bottle preparation techniques, the chance of feeding breastmilk to the wrong infant is small. In the case of an infant being fed another child’s breastmilk by mistake however, there is a possibility that the infant would have been exposed to an infectious disease, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV. If this mistake should ever happen in your program, you should immediately do the following:
- With the reporting staff member, inform the mother who expressed the breastmilk about the error and discuss with them how the milk was handled before it was delivered to your program. You will also need to ask if they have ever had hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or an HIV blood test. It will be important to ask if they are willing to discuss this information with the family of the child who was mistakenly fed their milk.
- Next, you will need to discuss the mistake with the family of the infant who was fed the wrong bottle. Let them know that the risk of transmission of infectious disease is low, but that it would be best to notify their child’s primary care provider of the mistake. Provide as much information as you can about the time and date the milk was expressed and how the milk was handled before coming to your program. Depending on the health history of the mother whose milk was given, the child who received the wrong bottle may need to have baseline blood tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV.
- You will need to assess how the wrong milk was given and create a plan to prevent future mistakes from happening. This plan should be shared with families.
Staff must be properly trained in the handling and distribution of breastmilk and formula. It may be helpful for you to refer to the Infants & Toddlers Healthy Environments course, Lesson Five (or the Family Child Care Healthy Environments course, Lesson Five) for more information on feeding the youngest children in your program.
For a comprehensive resource on feeding infants, see the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) resource, Feeding Infants in the Child and Adult Care Food Program at https://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/feeding-infants-child-and-adult-care-food-program.
Supervise & Support
Program Supports for Breastfeeding Families
You can help support families who choose to breastfeed by providing spaces in your program where mothers can comfortably nurse or pump. Some mothers may need to nurse before they leave their child in the morning, when they pick-up, or some may even be able to visit the program briefly during the day to breastfeed. Some mothers may feel comfortable nursing in the classroom environment, but others may prefer privacy. A rocker or armchair, pillows for support, soft lighting, a side table and a door or curtain are some things to consider when developing your breastfeeding space. Work with your staff to help support these moments as much as you can, keeping communication open between families and staff as to when a mother may be able to visit and breastfeed.
The Importance of Communication
All information about infant feeding is important and should be documented on daily activity sheets. Families should document when and how much their infant ate prior to coming to the program and your staff need to document the same information throughout the day and have the sheet available for families at pick up time. The daily sheets can be instructive for discovering any patterns of behavior or changes in bodily functions that might need to be shared with health providers. Daily communication ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to infant nutrition. It can also help identify when children are ready for the next step (e.g., larger bottles, cereal, solid food).
Watch this video to review the ways your program can properly support infant feeding and your role in ensuring staff members safely and sensitively feed infants.
Infant Nutrition and Feeding
Child and Youth Nutrition
The focus for children and youth is on healthy growing, which is not solely dependent on weight or weight gain. The promotion of healthy weight is related to the food consumed (input) and the energy used (output) or eating and exercise. Finding the balance between input and output allows children and youth to grow properly and maintain a healthy weight. Consuming an appropriate amount of calories and proper nutrients is essential for growth and development, resistance to illness, and prevention of disease. Follow your Service or program guidelines with regard to the regularity of meals and snacks offered to infants and older children. Dietary guidelines suggest that a healthy eating plan is one that:
- Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
- Includes low-fat milk products
- Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol
- Is low in sodium and added sugars
When reviewing your program’s menu, look at the food being served. Does the food promote the guidelines above? Keep in mind that children should have access to second helpings of nutritious foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Follow your program guidelines as to how your program should create, post, and update menus; remember also that menu substitutions should be noted on the posted menu before serving so that parents have ample time to plan accordingly. Your program may have a nutritionist or other health care professional that can help plan a healthy menu.
Balance Between Food Intake and Exercise
It is essential that children find a balance between food consumption and physical activity. When a balance is achieved, the likelihood of excessive weight gain decreases. Generally, children and youth should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. You and your staff can play a critical role to help to achieve this balance by modeling healthy eating habits, providing nutritional meals and snacks, and ensuring that children and youth engage in physical activity every day. The importance of physical activity and supporting motor development is discussed in further detail in the Physical Development course.
Within their respective tracks, staff members have learned about the importance of family style dining. You can help support family style dining by making sure staff members and children have the appropriate materials to serve themselves (e.g., the appropriate-sized serving dishes and utensils). You can also help model family style dining and healthy eating by incorporating a family dining experience complete with healthy food choices into your staff meetings or events.
Make sure staff members understand their roles and responsibilities related to physical fitness. Talk to staff members about what they have learned about modeling healthy habits, and make sure they understand the importance of outdoor play. With help from trainers and coaches, discuss how much physical activity children should be offered during your program day and build that time into the daily schedule. Talk to staff and families about their own physical activity. Encourage them to move around the active play spaces and to engage in physical activity with children. Remember that the information you share with staff and families is valuable to children’s health. When parents make an effort to improve or maintain their good health, those benefits are strongly related to their children's good health. (Murphey, Cook, Beckwith, & Belford, 2018).
Current Dietary Guidelines
Dietary Guidelines for Americans are jointly updated every five years by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The newest guidelines were published in 2020. These guidelines include MyPlate, which is a tool to help people become more aware of and informed about making healthy food and beverage choices. The Guidelines encourage every American to make every bite count at every life stage. Below are a few highlights from the guidelines (Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020):
- For about the first 6 months of life, exclusively feed infants breast milk. Continue to feed infants breast milk through at least the first year of life, and longer if desired. If infants are not breast fed, feed infants iron-fortified infant formula during the first year of life.
- At about 6 months, introduce infants to nutrient-dense complementary foods. Introduce infants to potentially allergenic foods along with other complementary foods. Encourage infants and toddlers to consume a variety of foods from all food groups. Include foods rich in iron and zinc.
- From 12 months through older adulthood, follow a healthy dietary pattern across the lifespan to meet nutrient needs, help achieve a healthy body weight, and reduce the risk of chronic disease.
- Limiting added sugars to less than 10% of calories per day for ages 2 and older and to avoid added sugars for infants and toddlers.
- Limiting saturated fat to less than 10% of calories per day starting at age 2.
- Limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300mg per day (or even less if younger than 14).
Visit http://www.choosemyplate.gov/ for more details on MyPlate.
Culture and Food
The latest version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans prioritizes the results of scientific studies that examine the relationship between diet and health across all life stages, genders, and diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. The guidelines recommend Americans, “Customize and enjoy nutrient-dense food and beverage choices to reflect personal preferences, cultural traditions, and budgetary considerations. A healthy dietary pattern can benefit all individuals regardless of age, race, ethnicity, or current health status. The Dietary Guidelines provides a framework intended to be customized to individual needs and preferences, as well as the foodways of the diverse cultures in the United States.” (Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020).
Create Healthy Menus
Nutritious meals can be fun and delicious with the right planning. The following five principles will support your efforts in planning healthy menus:
- Strive for balance. Balance nutrition and taste by using all parts of MyPlate and make sure that water is always available.
- Emphasize variety. Include sweet and sour, spicy and bland. Include a variety of shapes and sizes, and new and familiar foods.
- Add contrast. Add contrasts in taste, texture and temperature to add interest and satisfy the palate.
- Think about color. Include foods of different colors and textures on the same plate. Color and taste can be added to foods naturally by stirring in cinnamon to applesauce, chives to mashed potatoes, etc.
- Consider visual appeal. The food should be aesthetically pleasing as well as good tasting and nutritious. Children might be more satisfied with food that pleases the eyes.
Staff and Equipment Considerations
- Kitchen space and equipment: Does your program have enough workspace? Is the space well-organized? Is there enough cooking equipment, such as pots and pans, to accommodate the number of meals served to children and youth in your program? Is the kitchen and food prep area clean and sanitary before, during, and after meal service?
- Balance and workload: From prep to clean-up, is your kitchen well-staffed and streamlined for efficiency? Do you have more than one person who is responsible? What systems are in place when kitchen staff are sick, on vacation, or at a meeting?
- Realistic preparation time: Are meals prepared within the time parameters needed? Are schedules created so that there is adequate time between breakfast, lunch and snacks to allow for prep and cooking time?
- Balance convenience with economy: Balance packed meals with fresh or made-from-scratch food items. Chopping fruits and vegetables takes time but using frozen alternatives may cut back on time. A balance of ready-made with fresh alternatives can provide nutrition, save time, and balance the food budget.
Food Ordering and Purchasing Considerations
- Consider the frequency of deliveries; what needs to be ordered weekly versus monthly?
- Pre-cost your menus and make substitutions as necessary. Check prices and when items are over budget, substitute where necessary to maintain cost and nutrition guidelines.
- Stay current on price trends and identify extremes in price and balance cost. Consider ordering fruits and vegetables when they are in season and less expensive and more readily available.
- Keep a current inventory of foods and consider what’s on hand before making new purchases to counter over-ordering or under-ordering. Use the inventory as a reference when planning the next menu cycle.
Considerations for Tracking Meals
Systems should be in place to ensure correct portion control in food preparation and serving practices. Accurate meal counts are important for two reasons. First, it’s important that children and youth are provided what they need nutritionally; and second, it’s important that food costs stay within budget.
Staff play an important role in the meal count process. While meal counts are based on average daily attendance, it is also important that you collect the actual number of children present on a daily basis to ensure that food is not wasted. For example, putting out sign-up sheets asking families their plans around holidays is a good way to ensure that food isn’t over-prepared.
To create your own system for collecting and reporting meal counts, consider the following questions:
- How will the food count information be collected (on attendance sheets or on a separate form)?
- Who collects the food count information and what system is in place if that person is not available?
- When will the food count information be collected from the classrooms?
- How are food counts modified if children come in late or leave early?
- How is that information collected and conveyed?
The Child and Adult Care Food Program
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is the federally funded program that provides free or reduced meals for income-eligible children in child care settings. Regardless of whether your program Service participates in this program, you can still follow the guidelines to ensure that children receive the nutrients they need. To find out more about the CACFP guidelines go to http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/care/ProgramBasics/Meals/Meal_Patterns.htm. If your program Service does participate in CACFP, additional training for staff is needed to ensure reporting requirements are accurate and complete.
Promoting Oral Health
Good oral health is associated with improved overall health. It is important that staff members are trained on how to promote children’s oral health and on hygiene practices related to the storage and use of oral health materials (e.g., proper storage of toothbrushes and application of toothpaste to diminish the spread of infectious diseases). After meals, staff should encourage children and youth to brush their teeth. See the Apply activity below for more information on the ways you can support strong oral health in your program.
How Can You Model Healthy Habits in Your Workplace?
Food is a major part of many cultures and communities. Sharing a meal is often seen as a way to build relationships and celebrate important events and holidays. It can be easy for groups to fall into unhealthy habits. One special event turns into a month of special events. Think about the following scenarios. Do any of them happen in your program Service? What could be done to make these events healthier? Are healthier alternatives or adaptations available?
Traditional Treats | Healthy Alternatives |
Birthday treats on each staff member’s birthday |
Potluck lunches on staff development days |
Candy jar in the staff area |
Events like “muffins with moms” or “donuts with dads” |
How Can You Help Staff Promote Healthy Eating and Movement?
Get involved during mealtimes by joining children and staff at the table. Sit and have a conversation. Model healthy habits: serve yourself healthy portions of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy grains. Talk about the choices you make and how those foods make you feel. If you are no longer hungry, stop eating. It’s OK not to clean your plate! Together, you and the staff members can help children learn lifelong healthy habits.
You can also make sure staff understand your expectations and Service or program guidelines about eating and drinking in classrooms or program areas. If staff members eat with the children, they should model healthy eating and drinking habits (e.g., no soda cans or candy in the classroom). As a Program Manager, you can model these same healthy habits as you visit program spaces.
You can also help preschool and school-age staff members reflect on the messages they send during cooking activities. Cooking activities are a wonderful way to engage families. Ask families about the meals they eat at home, share a favorite recipe, or join the class during the cooking activity. Make sure you help staff get the ingredients they need for healthy cooking options. With help from trainers and coaches, review activity plans and ask staff members to cook healthy foods that incorporate family cultures. Cooking is a valuable skill, and children can learn from making whole grain breads or granola, vegetable dishes, and healthy fruit-based desserts.
Help model healthy fitness habits in your program. Hold walking meetings: discuss issues or topics while walking around the building with a staff member. You can also set goals for staff fitness. For example, consider starting a walking, running, or biking club for staff members and/or school-age children and their families. If your school-age program offers Zumba classes or other organized fitness activities for children, encourage staff to join in—and join in yourself! It’s also important to help staff remember that fitness is not seasonal—it’s essential all year long. In locations with severe weather in the winter (or extremely hot summers) help staff think of indoor options to keep themselves and children fit. Dance classes, yoga, volleyball, basketball, or weightlifting clubs can be good alternatives to outdoor sports. As a Program Manager, one of the strongest supports you can offer staff is to ensure they have the materials they need to make physical fitness (e.g., balls, a music stereo, weights, etc.) a regular part of the programing day for children and youth.
Watch this video to learn more about how to create healthy menus and promote physical activity in your setting.
Healthy Eating And Exercise
Management Practices That Support Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity
The chart below summarizes your key responsibilities when it comes to ensuring that your Service’s program’s nutritional and physical activity standards are met.
As a Program Manager, you are an important leader in creating and maintaining a culture of wellness that allows adults to model healthy habits to children by caring for their own minds and bodies. Family members and program caregivers play a vital role in teaching children how to develop healthy habits and live active lives, so it is important for you to support their efforts to be the healthiest versions of themselves.
Use the Activity Planner from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and think about ways you like to be active. How might you develop programs or systems in your program Service to support staff members’ fitness goals or physical activity engagement. For more ideas on creating a culture of wellness among staff, you can explore the Be Active Your Way blog from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services at https://health.gov/news-archive/blog-bayw/.
Activity Planner: https://health.gov/MoveYourWay/Activity-Planner/https://health.gov/MoveYourWay/Activity-Planner/
Once you have looked through both of these resources, complete the Staff Wellness Reflection Activity.
Creating a program-wide culture of wellness requires investment from staff, families and children. Use the Wellness Culture Program Reflection below to evaluate how your program promotes healthy habits and embeds healthy nutrition and fitness in daily routines, events and the overall culture of your program. This tool may also help you identify areas where you’d like to see improvement. For additional information and ideas for promoting a culture of wellness in your program, visit the website for the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education at https://nrckids.org/HealthyWeight/Tipsheets
Action for Healthy Kids. (2019). Game on activity library. https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/game-on-activity-library/
Action for Healthy Kids. (2019). Healthy eating toolkit. https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/nutrition-toolkit/
Action for Healthy Kids. (2019). Tip sheets: Before and after school activities. https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/references/
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2006). A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Obesity: A Roadmap to Health. S. Hassink [Ed.]
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2012). Healthy Children: Ages & Stages: Preschool: Nutrition & Fitness. http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/preschool/nutrition-fitness/Pages/default.aspx
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2019). Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs, 4th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. http://nrckids.org
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). (2015). Meals and Snacks. United States Department of Agriculture: Food and Nutrition Service. http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/care/ProgramBasics/Meals/Meal_Patterns.htm
Child Care Aware of America. (n.d.). Resources and Links. https://www.childcareaware.org/library/
Child Care Aware of America. (2018). Child Care Providers. https://childcareaware.org/providers/
DaycareMatch. (2015). Daycare Provider Membership Options. Midlothian: DayCare Match LLC.
Food and Nutrition Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2019). Feeding infants in the child and adult care food program. https://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/feeding-infants-child-and-adult-care-food-program
MacLaughlin, S. (2017). The Truth about Juice. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/1902-the-truth-about-juice
Murphey, D., Cook, E., Beckwith, S., & Belford, J. (2018). The health of parents and their children: A Two-Generation Inquiry. Washington, D.C.: Child Trends. https://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/AECFTwoGenerationHealth_ChildTrends_October2018.pdf
North Carolina Cooperative Extension. (n.d.) Color Me Healthy: Preschoolers moving and eating healthy. http://www.colormehealthy.com
National Diabetes Education Program. (2007). Tips for Teens: Lower your risk for type 2 diabetes.
National Food Service Management Institute. (2018). Education and Training Resources for Participants in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). https://theicn.org/cacfp
National Food Service Management Institute. (2012). More Than Mud Pies: A nutrition curriculum guide for preschool children (6th ed). University of Mississippi.
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2018). Achieving a state of healthy weight: 2017 update. Aurora, CO: University of Colorado Denver. http://nrckids.org/files/ASHW.2017_7.23.18.pdf
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education.(2018). Achieving a state of healthy weight 2017 Supplement: State Profiles. Aurora,CO: University of Colorado Denver. http://nrckids.org/files/ASHW.2017.Supplement_7.23.18.pdf
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2017). Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs. http://nrckids.org/CFOC/Childhood_Obesity
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (n.d.). Motion Moments.
Office of Head Start. (2015). I am Moving, I am Learning: Intervention in Head Start. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/physical-health/article/i-am-moving-i-am-learning-early-findings-implementation-obesity-prevention
Patrick, K., Spear, B., Holt, K. & Sofka, D. (Eds.). (2001). Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity. Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Pérez-Escamilla R, Segura-Pérez S, Lott M (2017) on behalf of the RWJF HER Expert Panel on Best Practices for Promoting Healthy Nutrition, Feeding Patterns, and Weight Status for Infants and Toddlers from Birth to 24 Months. Feeding Guidelines for Infants and Young Toddlers: A Responsive Parenting Approach. Guidelines for Health Professionals. Durham, NC: Healthy Eating Research. http://healthyeatingresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/her_feeding_guidelines_brief_021416.pdf
Pica, R. (n.d.). Moving and Learning: The Physical Activity Specialists for Birth through Age 8.
Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://health.gov/our-work/physical-activity/about-physical-activity-guidelines
Practical Spreadsheets. (2015). Childcare Log. http://www.practicalspreadsheets.com/Childcare-Log.html
Practical Spreadsheets. (2015). Expense Tracker Spreadsheet. http://www.practicalspreadsheets.com/expense-tracker.html
Talan, T.N. and P. Jorde Bloom. (2011). Program Administration Scale: Measuring early childhood leadership and management, 2nd edition. New York: Teachers College Press.
The National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004). Physical Activity for Children: A statement of guidelines for children 5-12 (2nd ed.). https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/guidelines/pa-children-5-12.aspx
SHAPE America. Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2009). Active Start: A statement of physical activity guidelines for children from birth to age 5. (2nd ed.). https://www.shapeamerica.org/standards/guidelines/activestart.aspx
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2018). NAP SACC. Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care program. https://gonapsacc.org/self-assessment-materials
U.S. Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Food Care Program. (n.d.). Child Day Care Centers. https://www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp/child-day-care-centers
U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Choose My Plate. http://www.choosemyplate.gov
U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.).Choose My Plate: Health and Nutrition Information for Preschoolers. https://www.choosemyplate.gov/browse-by-audience/view-all-audiences/children/health-and-nutrition-information
U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2013). The Two Bite Club. https://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/two-bite-club
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2020). Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. (9th ed.). https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/resources/2020-2025-dietary-guidelines-online-materials