Minimize the risk of cyberbullying, prevent exposure to explicit material, and teach digital citizenship
Child care programs must thoughtfully incorporate the use of the internet and devices into programs. New guidance is in the Safe Environments and Learning Environments courses for the T&Cs and Mgt. tracks.
Activities and attachments in the IT track to be changed from PDF to HTML
As part of our efforts to continually improve the Virtual Lab School site based on user feedback and the needs of the Services, we are excited to announce the upgrade of activities in the Infants & Toddlers track.
School-age children sometimes have multiple stressors that can lead to serious concerns of depression or suicide. New content from the VLS now provides information on identifying these risk factors.
With direction from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of Military Family Readiness Policy’s Children, Youth, and Families (OMFRP’s CYF) division, the Virtual Lab School (VLS) team is developing three new focused topics courses.
New Content and Self-Reflection Tool to Support Training & Curriculum Specialists
There is new content on Collaborative Goal Setting in the Learn Section of Lesson Two of the Program Management Course in the Training & Curriculum Specialist Track.